Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Indigenous person or European colonist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Indigenous person or European colonist - Essay Example It roots from an ethnocentric belief, that one culture is better than the other. It is important, though, to consider that each culture believes in things differently because of the nature of how they were brought up. With this paper, I will try to place myself as part of an indigenous group. In this manner, I will try to explain the differences in both cultures and how one group accepts and rejects other cultures and values. It is important to note that the common ground of both indigenous and colonists is the desire to maintain their own culture and beliefs. When it comes to property, indigenous people have a sense of group ownership and free land. Land is not owned by one but by the entire group. They roam around the land and gather whatever they can gather, they hunt whatever they can hunt, and bring it back to the tribe. And they share it. The roles within the community are exact and defined. Men hunt, women tend to the village. Men are protectors, women are caretakers of the vi llage. They gain additional land and property, including slaves, when they fight another tribe and win. They tend to use violence in order to increase their land, property and people. The value of their properties depends on how strong the other tribe is. The stronger the tribe they defeat, the more they value the things that they gather from that tribe. The reason for this is the loss of lives they have sacrificed in order to gain these properties. Although the European colonists have the same thirst for expansion, they have a different method of doing it. Violence is not the primary key to gather property and land. They use diplomacy, education and religion to expand their property and land. This, the indigenous people can accept and incorporate in their culture. Tribes tend to use violence, which increases the loss of their tribe with the death of their warriors and protectors. To lessen this, indigenous people can learn to use diplomacy in gaining hold of other tribes. Instead o f just going off to war, they can learn how to talk peacefully first and use wealth, power and numbers to defeat the other tribes. The same as European colonists, by which they buy off the other indigenous groups and immerse them into their society as slaves. In the sense, there is a trade-off. One main characteristic of the European colonists is their ethnocentrism. This should be rejected. European colonists believe that indigenous people are stupid, ignorant and easy to be swayed. They see indigenous people as puppets that can be swayed easily because of their lack of modernization. What they don’t understand is they have their own perspective of civilization. That’s why there is an improvement in the indigenous people’s lives. They have their own sense of civilization. They just have a different understanding of it. What is important to them may not be important to the European colonists. An example of this is the value of accessories and clothes that were m ade from animal skins. European colonists have a high value for animal skin clothes but have little value for glass beads. Indigenous people treat glass beads and other accessories because it is a sign of wealth and power for them. We remember that the daughters of tribe leaders wear more accessories and head gears than the others. This goes the same for warriors, the more body paint or accessories they have, the higher their rank is. This is the same concept as with soldiers and their medals. When trading,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Scientific Concept Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Scientific Concept Research - Essay Example The process we call recycling is the act of making used materials into other forms of materials that will benefit the end user and the environment we live in. Everyday we live on resources and produce waste after consumption. However, millions of individuals neglect these waste materials and do not realize their worth for other functions in our environment. So one question comes to our mind, why is recycling important? An old saying goes, â€Å"it’s easier said than done.† I have seen hundreds of world leaders talk about recycling, making our earth a greener place to live in etc. but they have never successfully campaigned for recycling. As soon as they newly elected officers sit on their desk, they forget about their vision and just ride along the power trip. For me, recycling is very essential to us, human beings, because it affects not only ourselves but also our future generations to come. We must preserve the beauty of our environment for our children to see as well. The thought in recycling is comparable to the thought of reincarnation in the Christian bible. As our human bodies decay and our souls depart, we are reborn into other creatures or species and form part of society in a different perspective. When we pass away, our spirit is reborn into a different being. We may be a dog, cat, or insect in the next life. Recycling does the same function through a cycle of waste to a new form of use in society. Science tries to explain the importance of recycling because our world does not have unlimited resources. By providing an alternative of producing new light from garbage, we are able to save nature and preserve it. We can compare recycling to religious practice because religion observes certain rituals and traditions to nurture their beings. Almost any church needs rituals and weekly collection (Ackerman, 1997). They collect resources and impose a â€Å"bringing back to life† of used resources such as